Ay Caray! Stories From the Field...
![]() As he backed up the truck, he never saw the tree. At least this time. Americo [pictured above with his family] and I had just purchased a load of lumber to help a senior citizen of Mitla get her own house. He was excited because he loved being able to make a practical difference in someone’s life. When you live in Oaxaca, the second poorest state in Mexico, sometimes the only practical help you can offer your friends is some of your food. Because frequently you are in just as dire straits as they are. But today was going to be different. Through the donations of the church he pastors, Americo and the church members were able to buy enough lumber to help this woman get a roof over her head and have a dry place to call home. Few things make the human heart sing like it does when you are able to really help someone. And Americo and his family needed to sing that song. The last few months have not been kind to them. Being a pastor is no way to get rich. Being a pastor to some of the poorest people in Mexico during a global economic crisis is also not going to get you on Forbe’s List of Richest People. But in spite of declining tithes and donations, shrinking support from his home church, and a rapidly rising cost of living, Americo and his wife Norma struggled on. Trying to make a difference in the lives of the people they see each day in their ministry. I marvel at how they keep a positive outlook no matter what comes at them, confident that God will care for and provide for them. As Americo backed his truck up and hit that tree, the wood in the bed came forward and shattered his rear window, sending broken glass everywhere. However, more than a window was broken at that moment as I watched the spirit of joy, trust, and faith drain from Americo’s face and body. As we unloaded the lumber and began to clean up the broken glass, Americo started to cry. I put my arm around him he looked at me, tears running down his face, and said “Esta lloviendo sobre los mojados.” Literally, it’s raining on people who are already soaked. It’s a saying here in Mexico when you are wondering if you can take it any more, because the bad news just seems to keep coming. For a family that has literally been living on beans and tortillas, giving their lives to others, this was too much to bear. I have served along side Americo and Norma for years in Oaxaca. If you have served with me here, they have helped provide you meals, have served you, and have more than likely, helped get you to your ministry site in the white truck that hit that tree. Americo needs some encouragement, in a very practical way. If you would like to give a 100% tax-deductable donation to Americo and his family, you can do so through Adventures in Life Ministry. Just click here, and you will be directed to our Paypal Donation Page. Choose a donation amount, make sure to put Americo in the notation line and I will make sure !00% of your donation goes to Americo and Norma here in Oaxaca. Thank you and as we say here in Mexico, Dios le bendiga! Labels: Adventures in Life, church missions, Oaxaxa, short-term missions |
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