• Notes From Dave
  • my thoughts on some of the tough issues of short-term missions
  • God's Politics
  • jim wallis' smart, political, and God centered take on the issues of today
  • Progressive Eruptions
  • the liberal side of politics from shaw kenawe. a daily read of mine.
  • Conservatism With Heart
  • a conservative take on life and politics from a well connected missouri mom
  • Truthdig
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  • Coffee Klatch
  • home of the best coffee roaster in So. Cal. and where i learned to love coffee
  • The Coffee Geek
  • everything you need to know about coffee and how to make a great cup o' joe
  • Bleacher Report
  • varied sports blog, lots of attitude, and sometimes i'm a featured writer
  • Aubievegas
  • a mix of sports in general with a bent towards vegas and auburn
My Photo
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

I am a self proclaimed coffee addict and Executive Director of a non profit missions agency working primarily in the Mexican cities of Oaxaca, Guadalajara, and Ensenada. I've been married for over 30 years to Chelle, and we have one grown son, Joseph, a graduate of Auburn University in Alabama.

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Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Real Life... When Politics Don't Matter

I had just finished a great post on the politics of government when I got to the office and saw the news that UNLV Basketball great Armen "The Hammer" Gilliam had died. He was 47.

Somehow politics, the blame game and all the arguing seems so petty when real life intrudes.

Most of you will never understand what UNLV Basketball meant to our little community back in the 70's and 80's.

The Rebels made us big time. The center of the college basketball universe. Showtime before Showtime!

And Armen was a huge part of that. One of our all-time greats.

He reportedly died while playing a game of pick up basketball. To the end, probably finishing off a fast break with a dunk.

I saw Armen play many times back then at the rockin' Thomas and Mack Arena at UNLV. He was a true delight to watch.

You just knew the Rebels were going to win when he had that big smile on his face.

Armen, you will be missed.

Thank you for all you did for Las Vegas while you were here.

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Friday, July 01, 2011

Rockets Red Glare... And a Great Super 8 Movie...

[a classic red devil firework flyer circa 1976]

What are you going to be doing this Fourth of July Weekend?

I remember as a kid the day started with the Annual Parade which ended in Cameron Park. We all followed it to the end and then you just hung out until the temperature got too hot.

We then headed over to my friends house, swam in their Doughboy Pool, drank ice tea from metal glasses, ate corn on the cob and waited for dark, when we could light our Red Devil Fireworks.

My how times have changed. The other day I was helping man a fireworks booth for our church when it hit me that kids today cannot even buy fireworks. We used to do that. When ever we had a few spare bucks, we headed over to the stand and bought whatever we could afford.

But not anymore. Kids need to be escorted and if you are caught selling to a minor, you are in deep doo.

Nowadays, while waiting for the evening orchestrations of fireworks, and here in Vegas, they are pretty good, people go to the movies.

If that is your bent, let me recommend something for you. Go see Super 8.

This is one of those movies that stands up well as a story. Think of it as Close Encounters of the Third Kind meets E.T. meets Stand by Me and you've got it.

It is also the perfect summer movie. Action, adventure, some romance, and a lot of great memories.

And if you are going to be personally shooting off fireworks this year, make sure you check out this message from Fire Marshall Bill on the unknown dangers of fire!

For some great firework memorabilia, follow this link...

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