A Story About Corn, Mexico, and Arturo
![]() Arturo is a farmer. His father was a farmer, as was his grandfather. In fact, if you sit and talk to Arturo, you will hear that his family has been farming in Mexico since before it was Mexico. They have farmed corn for centuries on the family lands. Some years the land yielded a bountiful harvest, and other years, no so much, but always there was enough to feed the family. Until recently. Arturo and his family have a large plot of land comprising almost 100 hectares, or almost 250 acres. To put that into a practical perspective, the original footprint of Disneyland was just 160 acres. With this much land, the family was able to not only grow corn for their own consumption, but also sell to some of the commercial buyers in Mexico. As the economy in Mexico grew, so did Arturo’s ability to acquire additional land and expand his business. Soon Arturo was one of the largest corn growers in his area with almost 150 hectares of corn planted each year. He was living his dream. Working hard, supporting his family and helping friends. At one point he had over 100 employees working for him. But then something happened. His buyers approached and asked him to lower the price he was charging for his corn. He was given no reason, except to say that they wanted a better price. At first he agreed, after all, it was a small sacrifice to make to keep his main customers happy. But it did not end there. His buyers soon returned explaining that if he wanted to continue to sell to them, he would have to cut his sales price in half. Arturo tried to explain that there was no way he could possibly sell his corn at half price and be able to pay for the costs of production. They told him he had no choice. Their companies were demanding higher profits and they had found a source in the United States that could supply corn at half the cost of Arturo’s. Arturo soon learned how a corn producer in the United States, paying higher wages, could possibly sell corn cheaper than a Mexican farmer. Subsidies. He learned that the American government would step in and guarantee a certain rate of return on corn for US farmers, regardless of sales price. These subsidies allowed American farmers to undercut the price of Mexican farmers in their own country and effectively wipeout thousands of good paying jobs across the country. But Arturo was not easily discouraged. Rather than let his land go fallow, he changed his crop and began to grow sugar cane. It was not long before he was once again moving forward. He sold his cane to one of the large sugar plants in Ameca, Jalisco where it was processed and sold to corporations as a food ingredient. Just like when he grew corn, the days were long and hot as he had to keep his arms covered to avoid being cut by the sharp leaves of the cane. But just as he was thinking that he might be able to soon retire and turn the farm over to his son, sugar prices in Mexico collapsed. Mexican soft drink manufacturers began to cut back on sugar and started using cheaper high fructose corn syrup imported from the US. The North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] had recently been signed and approved between the US, Canada, and Mexico. One of the conditions forced Mexico to abandon tariffs on imported sugar, put in place to insure the continued employment of 2.5 million sugar farmers across the country. Under NAFTA, Mexico was assured that they would have full access to US markets once the tariffs were removed. What they were not told, or did not understand was that the US market was dominated by low cost government subsidized sugar in the form of corn syrup. Mexican sugar cane had no way to compete in the international market because of US government intervention and was left sitting in silos rotting for a lack of buyers. Arturo was crushed. Unable to sustain the business, his land became useless. There was nothing he could farm and his land was not an attractive parcel for development, a route many of his friends took. With help from the state government of Jalisco, he tried a few other crops, but was unable to make any progress. Nothing he tried offered any real promise of being able to move ahead. At best he was just able to break even and provide his family with the corn necessary to eke out a meager existence. It was not long before Arturo, once a proud farmer of more than 150 hectares of corn and sugar made his decision. Despite the fact that his family lived on and worked the same land for centuries, Arturo knew he had to go north. Unable to get immigration papers, Arturo used the last of his savings, $4000.00, to hire a coyote to take him north. Today he works for one of the largest corn farmers in the United States. He does the same thing he did for years in Mexico. Except now, instead of helping employ Mexican farmers in his own country, the very company he is working for, effectively is disemploying thousands of Mexican farmers a year. Instead of coming home each night to see his family, he lives in small crowded house with 10 other men just like him who also came north after their jobs were eliminated in much the same fashion. And like most of them, he sends as much money back home every week from his weekly earnings to help support his family as he possibly can. He makes $9.00 an hour, works ten hours a day and prays every night that “La Migra” does not show up at the little house he now calls home. Labels: corn, immigration, mexico, NAFTA, sugar cane |
Comments on "A Story About Corn, Mexico, and Arturo"
What a really sad, sad story. Complete frustration surfaces and then cold fury. This just should not be.
I think his story, in which an illegal alien tends to be among the hardest working (who steals from no-one) is much more typical than the criminal element that is in the news a lot more.
Leslie and Dmarks...
This story is a compilation of some folks I have met, situations I have encountered, and a lot of what I have learned over the last 20 years working and serving in Mexico.
While the Arturo of this story is fictional, his life and the places I have mentioned are not.
Ameca is the home to some of the largest sugar processing plants in Mexico. It actually costs $4000.00 to get to the US from a village I work in, and they announce it everyday over the village radio, which in fact is just a set of loudspeakers.
The immigrants living 10 to a house, is a very familiar setting in Los Angeles, with everyone using one bathroom and a very small kitchen. I have good personal friends who have endured that lifestyle for years.
The corn and sugar policies of our government are well verified and if you believe direct government aid to businesses is a socialist endeavor, then of course one should include that every President, Congressman, and Senator who has ever voted for those subsidies, or against their removal, is a socialist and has been since their inception during the Great Depression.
These are the issues that seldom get mentioned in the immigration debates.
The facts argue that it is our very policies that are driving our Mexican neighbors to seek work in "El Norte."
I long for the day when we will see a sane and balanced policy towards this issue, but I doubt we will ever get there because changing the root causes will upset too much of the political applecart for both parties.
I believe it was a 60 Minutes segment I saw several years ago about a Texas rancher/planter who had bought land in Mexico and moved his operation there because it was much cheaper. And then I overhear shoppers in the produce section of the grocery complaining because fruits and veggies might be grown in Mexico. They don't seem to realize that Americans most likely own the land where the produce is grown.
Leslie, the number of fruits and vegetables we would have to eliminate if we cut out Mexican products would be enormous...
Avacados, tomatoes, chiles, beans, mangos, strawberries, bananas, coffee, etc., etc...
What's the situation now with Mexico being able to export sugar to the US?
Certainly they can dmarks, but the US market relies heavily on HFCS instead of cane sugar, C&H notwithstanding.
Also, we are now leaning towards sugar beets, so the market is pretty weak...
Sugar beets are practically local products here.
Anyway, you might drop by this blog sometime:
The conservatives are more conservative than me (and all entirely anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican) and two of the three liberals are lowbrow bomb-throwers. Some more sane perspective could be used there. :)
Sounds like fun...
I will...
Hmm. You said: "Avacados, tomatoes, chiles, beans, mangos, strawberries, bananas, coffee, etc., etc.." would be "eliminated" if we cut off Mexican trade.
I have nothing against immigration or free trade. However, this argument of yours has some big problems.
Avacados? Grown all over in the Americas. With significant production in California.
Chiles? Grown all over the world.
Beans? Depends on which kind.
Mangos? Mexico is the first of many countries exporting these. but still there are many others.
Tomatoes? Grown all over. Most of what I eat I get from within 40 miles of my house, and I am not on the Mexican border. While I do eat some Mexican tomatoes, I'd still have plenty without Mexican trade.
Bananas? They are grown i 107 different countries. Ecuador, Costa Rica, the Philippines, and Colombia export the most bananas.
Checking the rest, I find Mexico as one of many suppliers.
DMarks, I meant to imply we would have to eliminate the Mexican grown of those items...
And I am sure, based on the quantities imported, we would see some shortages...
Good catch though, thanks, I hate making those types of mistakes... :-)