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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

I am a self proclaimed coffee addict and Executive Director of a non profit missions agency working primarily in the Mexican cities of Oaxaca, Guadalajara, and Ensenada. I've been married for over 30 years to Chelle, and we have one grown son, Joseph, a graduate of Auburn University in Alabama.

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Sunday, September 04, 2011

Consider the Alternatives

[getting ready for the dance of the old men in morelia, michoacan, mexico]

The days go by faster now.

I am not sure when I first noticed it.

But it started a while back.

Maybe it was in the knees. Or the back.

I love playing games sitting on the floor, but getting up started to leave a little tingling. Soon that tingling became a general stiffness.

When I would get home from a few weeks of work in Mexico, I used to be able to be in the office the next day. Now I need a day or so laying on the couch to recover.

Remember when that recovery took a few minutes, a glass of water, and some shade?

Not any more.

As a kid, Mom pushed me out the door around 9:00am with the understanding that I would be running, jumping, tackling, and playing until the dinner hour, usually around 6:00.

I can't imagine playing a game of tackle football these days, even with pads, which no self respecting kids ever used in my neighborhood.

This morning my feet hurt. After I slept all night. What's up with that?

An old axiom says that a body at rest tends to stay at rest, or something like that. Well guess what, it's true! Some days it just pains me, literally, to get moving.

Did it begin in my twenties? I don't think so. Thirties? Maybe a little. But back then I could still work 16 hours a day and be up to a bike ride with the family when I got home.

No, it happened after that, I am just not sure when.

My wife diagnosed it last night. As I was slowly getting up off the floor after watching a little television, she heard the creaks, snaps, and groans, looked at me and said "David, you're getting old!"

You know what? I think she may be right.

But I'll take it, because as one of my good friends always says, "Growing old sucks, but consider the alternatives."

Comments on "Consider the Alternatives"


Blogger Tim said ... (11:53 AM) : 

"Even people who want to go to Heaven do not want to die to do it"
Steve Jobs.

As long as I can still carve lines in fresh powder, I won't complain about my age (50 in 2 weeks).


Blogger Shaw Kenawe said ... (1:06 PM) : 

Don't feel bad, Dave. It happens to all of us. I used to be able to put my leg up on the mantelpiece as a show of how limber I was. I could do back bends and cartwheels all over the backyard. And rise to a standing position from sitting cross-legged, without using my arms to push myself up!

Not. Any. More.

I do, however, still roll down the grassy hills in my grandkids' backyards and go down those same hills on a flying saucer when they're covered with snow.

I keep active as much as I can because it is true: If you don't use it; you lose it.


Blogger Doug said ... (4:36 PM) : 

Interestingly I was just thinking about this. No, not that you are old, but that I will be 50 in December.

I remember somebody in college telling me the day after my 20th birthday that I was halfway to 40.

Remember when 40 was old?

Funny, I don't think myself as old, but, like you, there are days when my body certainly does.


Blogger Dave Miller said ... (5:26 PM) : 

While the mind may tell us we are young, the body knows, and says otherwise...

Somedays the noise from the creaks and groans can be quite disconcerting...

And yes Shaw, the key is indeed to keep moving...


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