- Notes From Dave my thoughts on some of the tough issues of short-term missions
- God's Politics jim wallis' smart, political, and God centered take on the issues of today
- Progressive Eruptions the liberal side of politics from shaw kenawe. a daily read of mine.
- Conservatism With Heart a conservative take on life and politics from a well connected missouri mom
- Truthdig left of center, and very informative. bob scheer's online journal
- Coffee Klatch home of the best coffee roaster in So. Cal. and where i learned to love coffee
- The Coffee Geek everything you need to know about coffee and how to make a great cup o' joe
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- Aubievegas a mix of sports in general with a bent towards vegas and auburn
About Me
- Name: Dave Miller
- Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
I am a self proclaimed coffee addict and Executive Director of a non profit missions agency working primarily in the Mexican cities of Oaxaca, Guadalajara, and Ensenada. I've been married for over 30 years to Chelle, and we have one grown son, Joseph, a graduate of Auburn University in Alabama.
recent posts
- the mission is now closed...
- Lila Downs Wows in Las Vegas
- Syria is not our issue... Heed your own words Pres...
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- Faux Mexican? Five ways to know your food may be g...
- Spring is in the air... and so is FEMA
- Give the Gift of Water... literally!
- Through the Looking Glass as Americans Celebrate U...
- Feliz Cinco de Mayo
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los archivos
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Mission
Last week I wrote about the problem when faith and politics collide. For me, the central question is about how we live out our lives, and if our lives line up with Jesus' teachings and the lessons that God has for us through out the Bible. I think it is a moving target, something you may hit today, but fail miserably at tomorrow. The next 10 days or so, I will be in Ensenada, Mexico helping pour a foundation for a growing church. It is where I believe God has called and gifted me to live out the majority of my Christian commitment. I trust you all can keep Barack, Billary, and our friend McCain in line until I get back. Also, I know it has been awhile, but if ya need a little sports fix, check out Bleacher Report. When I feel inspired, I contribute what I can. Blessings! |
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
When Faith and Politics Collide
Something that has been rumbling around in my head the last few weeks, and more probably, years, is what happens when what the bible teaches does not seem to match up with your political views. Which takes precedent? Your faith and the bible, or your politics. Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen: Now to the political part. Living the life that Isaiah is calling for flies in the face of everything most of us have learned since our childhood. Whether we attended Sunday school or not, the Protestant work ethic, a political construction, is pervasive in |
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Strange Bedfellows Indeed
![]() I have thought a lot about that recently especially with regards to the full state visit to Iraq by the President of Iran. If Iraq truly is an ally of the United States, and a supporter of the US in the "war on terror" then why are they welcoming someone like this who shows nothing but open contempt for the United States? Noted columnist Robert Sheer says it best in an article for truthdig.com. Are the media dumb or just out to lunch? Sorry to be intemperate, but how else can one explain the meager attention paid to the truly historic visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Iraq? Not only is he the first Mideast head of state to visit the country since its alleged liberation, but the very warm official welcome offered by the Iraqi government to the most vociferous critic of the United States speaks volumes to the abject failure of the Bush doctrine. [read more] For me, this is proof enough that the leaders in Iraq are not really interested in doing the things necessary to have the type of government that will be a strong ally of the US in the region. While the "surge" has been a military success, those in power in Iraq have apparently used the downturn in violence to improve relationships with longtime US nemesis, Iran. It is time to get out. On a related note, Roy over at Thin Places has a good post on the costs of war with Iraq. |