- Notes From Dave my thoughts on some of the tough issues of short-term missions
- God's Politics jim wallis' smart, political, and God centered take on the issues of today
- Progressive Eruptions the liberal side of politics from shaw kenawe. a daily read of mine.
- Conservatism With Heart a conservative take on life and politics from a well connected missouri mom
- Truthdig left of center, and very informative. bob scheer's online journal
- Coffee Klatch home of the best coffee roaster in So. Cal. and where i learned to love coffee
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About Me
- Name: Dave Miller
- Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
I am a self proclaimed coffee addict and Executive Director of a non profit missions agency working primarily in the Mexican cities of Oaxaca, Guadalajara, and Ensenada. I've been married for over 30 years to Chelle, and we have one grown son, Joseph, a graduate of Auburn University in Alabama.
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- Faux Mexican? Five ways to know your food may be g...
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- Give the Gift of Water... literally!
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los archivos
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Church, Politics, and a Good Hike
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Plan I Can Support
In light of this weeks economic news, here's an idea I could support. Since this meltdown has been precipitated in part because of falling home values and the failure, or decision of some, if not many, to pay back mortgage loans, let's do this. Use the $700,000,000,000.00 [700 billion dollars] to pay off peoples mortgages, or catch them up on their payments. Everyone wins. Homeowners win because they will be in a better ownership position. The failing banks win because they can get bad loans off their books. The economy wins because consumers, having more liquid cash, can increase spending and restart it. The GOP is happy because they can avoid bailouts. The Dems win because it puts $$$ in peoples hands. Your thoughts... A friend of mine called today (Sept. 30, 2008) to tell me that the Editor in Chief of Fortune Magazine advocated this exact principle today on one of the NPR programs. Interesting isn't it? Thanks Chelle for your help and ideas on this one! |
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A Gathering of the Minds
![]() Each of these great Americans has served our country well as Secretary of State. Some are veterans, and all have served Presidents and our citizenry well in a variety of positions. Recently they gathered on CNN for a round table non political discussion of the challenges facing the next President of the United States of America. You can watch it here. They are a mixed group of foreign policy sages, Democrats, Republicans, and well versed in world affairs. Each one of them agrees that the image of America has suffered in the world over the last few years. Each of them agrees that we should engage foreign governments that are hostile to America in direct talks in the hope of building bridges to peace and security. And those countries include both Iran and Syria. Those sound like sensible policy positions to me. It is too bad the current administration does not agree. I hope the next one does. |
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Little Musical Interlude
Friday, September 12, 2008
Miniature Golf Anyone?
![]() This Saturday, September 13th, I am playing in a 100 Hole Miniature Golf Tournament to raise funds for Adventures in Life Ministry, where I work. That's right! For a few hours I'll be putting on Anthills, over water, and tilting at windmills. All for a good cause. As part of our ministry working with churches in Mexico, we are developing a new ministry to help ranchers and farmers increase their crop yields and water retention methods in Oaxaca. This is where the rubber meets the road folks. Many people here in the US complain about the influx of undocumented or illegal immigrants from Mexico. The primary factor driving this is a lack of economic opportunity in their home country. Our efforts in this area will directly address these issues. It is as simple as this. If you could not feed, clothe, and care for your family, wouldn't you do whatever was necessary to accomplish that? It is the same for a Mexican family. Most would choose to stay in Mexico if they felt that in doing so, their family could survive. So where does miniature golf come in? The funds we raise Saturday will help us develop this ministry and provide the necessary training to give hope to some of the poorest people in Mexico. So... if you want to be part of helping Mexican farmers increase their crop yields and be better able to provide for their families, click here and on the form, note Mini Golf. We are asking people to sponsor us for $1.00 a hole, [$100.00 for the day] but any amount you can give will be a big help. Also know that your donation will be tax deductible, you won't have to leave your home to feel good about helping someone, and you can literally be part of changing lives for the better. I'd love to have you on my team. Oh yeah, the game... USC wins by two touchdowns. Fight On! |
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Game On... Election 2008
I am leaving for a few days of vacation tomorrow but wanted to get a few thoughts about the GOP convention out before I left. First of all, for his party, John McCain made a wonderful political choice in Sarah Palin. She has energized the evangelical base of the GOP in a way many thought was impossible just a few short weeks ago. The Christian Right loves this woman and sees her as one of their own. That means they can be counted on to work hard, volunteer, give money, and generally do whatever is needed to put this team in the White House. At least, that is the plan. Whether Sarah Palin is qualified is another whole other issue. That is a judgment America will make. I just wish we could get a little honesty from the GOP on this. Maybe I am just cynical, but let's roll the tape and you be the judge. McCain and his party spent a lot of time the last few nights talking about change and country first. And the people in the arena in St. Paul were estatic. So let me ask a few questions.
But I think that John McCain's time has passed. What I saw in the convention hall was a group of people who, when confronted with a bi-partisan option to really change America through the candidacy of Joe Lieberman, balked. ![]() But the party let him know that they would not accept his choice. They said they would not work or help get him elected if he chose someone from outside the party. And so McCain capitulated. He chose someone the base supported, even though in his heart, he felt Joe Lieberman would be best for America. Country First. John McCain was about that in 2000 when he ran, and I supported him. It was said at the convention that McCain believed in Country First, party second. Really? Finally, I alluded to some much needed vacation this week. Here is where I'll be. Beautiful Lake Tahoe. ![]() |
Monday, September 01, 2008
Is She Qualified? The Sarah Palin Question
Most of you know I am a political junkie. But one of the things I hate about politics is a tendency of true believers to see or admit flaws in their logic or their candidates. The Bush Presidency provides us with a good example. On the GOP side at least. There is little doubt that mistakes were made in the prosecution of the war in Iraq. Yet when asked about this, President Bush stated that he could think of none and in fact that he would do it all over again. That response essentially gave the true believers the marching orders they needed. Make no concessions a ![]() On the Democratic side, the fact that their leadership, Barack Obama included, continues to deny the tactical success of the surge is just ridiculous. It is as if they are asking to believe them instead of our own eyes. The problem with this type of thinking is that once you have sipped the Kool Aid, you tend to lose objectivity and the ability to see things clearly. Perhaps the clearest most recent example of this is in regards to the GOP Vice Presidential Candidate, Sarah Palin. Here is what we know about her political qualifications. 1. She served ten years on the City Council and as mayor of Wasilla, AK, a city of less than 10,000 people. 2. She is currently the Governor of Alaska, with all the responsibilities that come with that, including the management of the state budget and the state National Guard and State Defense Force. This includes her work on National Defense as Alaska is our closest outpost to Russia. Now for the Straight Talk Express people, here is a little straight talk for you. Anything beyond that is life experience. It is useful in politics, but it is not a political qualification. Full disclosure here. I lean to the democrats. I have attended Obama rallies and would be thrilled to have him as my President. But I have also supported John McCain and if I was being 100% honest, I believe he too would be a fine President. Many of my blog friends are from the GOP side of the ledger, and as such, are big McCain supporters, and as a result Palin backers. Which is fine. They have shared with me their arguments supporting her “experience,” which they unwittingly cite as a qualification to be President of the United States. Let me share a few. She has a diverse background of experience as a professional journalist, city council woman, Mayor, Governor and Mother of 5. All true. She has gotten a lot done after being a Governor for 2 years. She has vetoed 300 spending proposals and has an 80% approval rating in Alaska. All true. She knows what she thinks and is very articulate, attractive, passionate, idealistic and courageous. She has shown enormous courage with her oldest son going off to serve in the military and her youngest son having downs syndrome. All true. She is a very competent person with a compelling story. True again. She should never be underestimated. She defeated the incumbent when she ran for Mayor and she defeated the incumbent Republican Governor in the primary before going on to defeat the Democrat in the general election. All true again. The problem here is that these are not objective [Dictionary time here… not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.] qualifications. Barack Obama has been called unqualified by both Republican and Democratic candidates and his resume is more or less the same as Palin’s. He has been savaged by the GOP for his lack of experience even though I would take his years as a Professor of Constitutional Law out of the experience column and put it into the qualification category. If a Democrat was running with her list of qualifications, is anyone even going to argue that the GOP would not say that person was unqualified? If you seriously doubt that, you are not being honest with yourself. And please don’t give me the “She’s running for VP” argument. We all know that the VP must also be qualified to be President on their first day in office. All day Sunday on the news shows, I watched as Republicans refused to answer this question, instead choosing to deflect to Obama’s lack of experience. The fact that Obama has a thin, or as some would say, non-existent resume, does not mean that Sarah Palin does not have a thin resume also. She has experiences. As does Barack. But experiences are not qualifications for president. Potentially useful for sure, but not qualifications. To insist otherwise is political sophistry. technorati tags: Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, John McCain |