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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

I am a self proclaimed coffee addict and Executive Director of a non profit missions agency working primarily in the Mexican cities of Oaxaca, Guadalajara, and Ensenada. I've been married for over 30 years to Chelle, and we have one grown son, Joseph, a graduate of Auburn University in Alabama.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

News From The Front... Oaxaca

I am sitting in the newest coffee house in Oaxaca City, Mexico. It is called the Black Coffee Gallery. You can check it out here.

After a week of hard work, a few hours of "down time" checking my e-mail and sipping some great Oaxacan coffee gives me time to relax and think.

The last few days have been spent with a couple of friends from Oregon working to bring water, food and hope to some of the poorest people living in Mexico.

A few years ago we had this crazy idea that if we could serve up a glass of water, alongside a plate of farming ideas from the US and some great Mexican know how for dessert, we might be able, in the words of the late J.D. Salinger, to save a few.

Yesterday I watched as Santiago [pictured here] planted corn in an irrigated field for the first time in his life. I listened as his wife Julia shared that she never could have imagined seeing running water on the fields of their family farm.

While there is still much to be done, we are getting closer to our goal. We need to dig our well a little deeper and we have a small demonstration green house to finish and plant in February.

But we are moving ahead. Our first harvest, if all goes well, will be at the end of May. Until then, I'll keep you posted on how this city boy is doing as a farmer.

Mientras, here are a few pictures of our work so far.

[our first day. dry, hard, packed soil.]

[our plow team, used to make our corn rows.]

[here I am cutting the irrigation tape.]

[our team. santiago, me, mark doverspike, and tom davis.]

Comments on "News From The Front... Oaxaca"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:30 PM) : 

I never knew farmers were so sexy! ;)

Your wife who misses you!


Blogger Beth said ... (5:49 PM) : 

Your readers miss you, too, although not quite the same.


Blogger Tim said ... (8:24 AM) : 

David, I wish I was there helping you. I'm hoping once I get these kids out of college and wind down my career in 15 years or so I can "give back" to my fellow man in such a way. God bless you.


Blogger Dave Miller said ... (12:58 PM) : 

Tim, every February I do a trip for just men. 1 week. Come, serve, get worn out, and return feeling better than ever.



Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said ... (8:13 PM) : 

I have to read your blog more often Dave. I've always said we rally don't make that big difference as bloggers. It's more about self gratification. In your case, I'm wrong.

Best wishes to you and your friends in Oaxaca


Blogger Dave Miller said ... (3:59 AM) : 

Thanks all for stopping by. We've had a some rain the last couple of days in Oaxaca, a real surprise here as people here say it never rains in January.

In any event, this week I am off to Queretaro to visit friends.


Blogger Tim said ... (7:00 PM) : 

I'm going to see if I can't go there w/you in feb 11.


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