Arizona, Immigration, and Christianity
![]() In light of the newly proposed immigration bill working its way through the Arizona government, I'd like to consider a few things. But before we get started, you can see my views on what I believe are some sensible solutions both here in Part I, and here in Part II. I wrote these posts back in 2006, but even as I reread what I wrote, those ideas still seem to make sense. Now on to the tough stuff. I am always trying to see life through a lens of faith. For me, that faith lens is Christianity and the Bible. Now I wish I could say that this is what the bible says, and that it is clear as day with no competing viewpoints. But that is just not the case and no amount of wishful thinking can make it so. For a view on the conservative side here is an excellent post for you to check out. If you want to see the more liberal side, here is another post. Suffice to say that like a lot of stuff in the Bible, you can probably make a case for either side of this debate. What should not be at issue though is this. As Christians we are called to be compassionate, show mercy, and act justly towards the immigrant who is here legally, or illegally, just like we should act towards everyone. So let me pose a few questions for you. If the Arizona law is passed and upheld, which I doubt, how will the police determine if there is a reasonable possibility that someone is here illegally? Will he not speak English? Will he not have papers? What if he doesn't speak English, appears to be from a Latin American country, forgets to signal before a lane change, gets stopped by the police, and is a citizen of the United States. When the police ask for proof of citizenship, how should he respond? I mean, if he is a citizen, why would he carry that proof with him? I don't. do you? Doesn't this sound a little like the dark period of American history when we placed thousands of American Citizens in internment camps because they were of Japanese descent? Finally, as a good friend of mine used to say, "Riddle me this Batman." In all of our headlong rush to label President Barack Obama a Socialist and accuse him of supporting the policies of Hitler, Marx, Lenin, and even Dr. Evil, isn't there the least bit of irony in the fact that those who are screaming loudest at Obama are the biggest supporters of this proposed legislation? Finally, in closing, the picture above is the father of one of my dearest friends in Mexico. His Dad came across the border during WWII to enlist in our Army. After the war he was offered citizenship for himself and his family. He declined and walked back to Mexico. Today I wonder if someone like this would be demonized for even trying to come across our border. I'm just askin... |
Comments on "Arizona, Immigration, and Christianity"
What Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has to say about Amnesty and Tax-Dollar Drain,
Lamar Smith is the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee.
Outside of the usual articles from Bloggers like myself and other opponents of illegal immigration, here is a very eye-opening correspondence by an insider of the Washington beltway. While others fudge the truth or downright lie or release rancid propaganda to the masses. Here are some bitter truths that this Representative from Texas is availing us of the ugly truth and the calamitous situation sending us into a black bottomless pit of American bankruptcy.
Rep. Lamar Smith states:
President Obama and Congressional Democrats have been talking about giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Tax Day seems like a good time to examine the impact that such a policy would have on your wallet.
Start with education. Using the average annual American public school elementary and secondary education costs, the Federation for American Immigration Reform has estimated that the total cost of K-12 education for illegal immigrant minors and the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants is $28.6 billion a year.
Then there’s health care. If illegal immigrants are covered in the health care bill (there is not a strong verification mechanism to ensure they won’t get benefits), it would increase the bill’s costs between $10-$30 billion. Of course, it won’t matter if illegal immigrants receive amnesty since the new law requires health care coverage for everyone.
Social Security is another area of great concern. Claims by amnesty advocates that illegal immigration can “save” Social Security are false.
They are here, and they are not going away. There will be no big round up that people like Britanicus yearn for. AZ seems to be going nuts. No need to get a permit to carry a concealed gun, and now this. What's next? What bothers me about this whole thing is how it's thrown cold water on the US Canadian border. When I was a kid it was nothing to cross the border for lunch, to go shopping, etc. Then we get cowboy Bush in there and he thinks we need to keep those evil Canadians out of the US, and winds up angering them, so we have a tit for tat so that the friendliness is gone, and both sides hassle each other. That's easing a little, but it'll never be the way it used to. Canada is not the Mexican border.
We have a "Keep out" sign on the Mexican Border and a "Help Wanted" sign 50 feet behind it for those that sneak over. Why? Business wants cheap labor who are more worried about getting deported than getting a raise. Republicans are genius in manipulating lower middle class whites to vote against their own self interest with half truths and outright lying. Riddle me this, Dave: Why are capital gains taxed at 10% and work taxed anywhere from 15-35%? Why not the other way around? Because the very rich like it that way. They don't work, they are the investor class. Whipping up hysteria against immigrants is really a tool to get people's eye off of what the puppet masters are really doing behind the scenes.
Tim, if we tax capital gains at 35%, we will not see churning for the sole sake of making money.
Brittanicus: If your concern were really about the Federal budget, you would demand that we deport native-born Americans first. Far much more money is spent on them than on illegal immigrants.
The hatred of immigrants stems from a variety of reasons. These often included outright racism, and also dislike of immigrants because many of them do some jobs better than native-born Americans. I find neither of these to be valid at all.
Tim: I agree with your points. Except on the weapon permit. It's really none of your business, or our business. If you don't like concealed weapons. The partisan stab isn't true at all. People vote Republican (and this includes half of the middle-class and lower-class) because it serves their interests. Not because they have been fooled.
Mi Padre, el de la foto fue mi Padre. Enrolado en ejército de USA para ir a Japón.
Un saludo David.
A ti Jesus!!!
you're right...I do enjoy your take on this. most notably the hypothetical at the end.