Games People Play
![]() For as long as I can remember, I've been a gamer. And not the type most people think when they hear that from someone from Las Vegas. I don't play the slots, the poker machines, roulette, or anything else likely to take away a large chunk of my money. I am not a Mortal Combat player and I've never been in a Halo Tournament. I will admit to a love for some of the original NES and Sega games, but that is about as electronic as I get. For me when I say I am a gamer, think cards and board games. Classic or new. Doesn't matter, I just like the experience of sitting around a table with friends and having some fun. So here's my list of what I am playing this week. Pandemic - My son got this game from his girlfriend and it is completely different from anything I have ever played. Because you work together to beat the game. My wife says that I am already addicted, and she may be right. So here's the scoop. Working as a team, you strive to stop deadly outbreaks of diseases before they overwhelm the planet. I've never played a game with people where at the end of the game, no one is pissed off because their friend beat them. ![]() Contrario. - This is a great word game for kids and adults that causes you to really twist the way you think about words, phrases, and sayings. It goes quick, needs little or no space, and you can take it to your neighborhood coffee bar pretty easily. All in all, a great game. ![]() Here is what I like about both of these games. They are easy to learn, the games go quick, and they allow for plenty of conversation around the table as you play, perfect for date nights and playing in a group. All of these games can be played with two people, something not always possible with the new generation of games out there. Each of the links above will take you to a site called Board Game Geek, which I guess I am. You'll find lots of info on all sorts of games and some great prices in the event you find yourself longing for a little quiet entertainment with family and friends sometime soon. Labels: Board Games, Contrario, Five Crowns, Games, Pandemic, Quiddler |
Comments on "Games People Play"
Our new favorite party game is called Wits and Wagers, where everyone has to answer questions with numeric answers, such as how many steps are there in the Eiffel Tower, then everyone "bets" on everyone answers. We played several rounds with the in-laws, 6 teams, it was crazy.
This reminds me of my college days with all night Risk, Monopoly and Poker games.
We were also very big fans of Steve Jackson Games such as Illuminati and Car Wars.
This year we also got my 10 year old a pack of Jukem Football Card Game which is a really great game to play with everyone.
Doug, my wife banned Risk years ago because my son and i were too ultra competitive.
As a kid I used to play Monopoly for days with our neighbors.
I wonder what cause board games like these to go in and out of fashion over time. The are still good games.
Beth, I'll check that one out, sounds interesting...