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My Photo
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

I am a self proclaimed coffee addict and Executive Director of a non profit missions agency working primarily in the Mexican cities of Oaxaca, Guadalajara, and Ensenada. I've been married for over 30 years to Chelle, and we have one grown son, Joseph, a graduate of Auburn University in Alabama.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just the Facts... Legendary Joe Friday vs. The Donald

Friday… Thank you for coming in sir.

Trump… you can call me The Donald

Friday… thanks I will… let’s get to it sir, uh The Donald…


FRIDAY: Is President Obama a US Citizen?

TRUMP: You know what?  Everybody is entitled to their opinion. 

FRIDAY: That’s fine, but is he a US Citizen?

TRUMP: No, I don't think so. I think if you look at the birth certificate, take a look and you tell me, really. You analyze the birth certificate. There are many people that don't agree with that birth certificate. They don't think it's authentic.

FRIDAY: Does many people agreeing with you make it a fact?

TRUMP: this isn’t about the facts.  Many people believe the birth certificate to be false.

FRIDAY: Like who?

TRUMP: There are many people...

FRIDAY: Give me a name -- give me a name of somebody...

TRUMP: There are many people...

FRIDAY: Can you name one person?

TRUMP: ...that do not believe...

FRIDAY: How about one name The Donald?  

TRUMP: There are many people -- I don't give names. There are many people that do not believe that birth certificate is authentic.

FRIDAY: The State of Hawai’i has said that his birth certificate is real and authentic… is it, or is it not?

TRUMP: I don’t know.  Do you believe everything the government tells you?

FRIDAY: But upon what are you basing your suspicion?

TRUMP: The facts Mr. Friday.  They may be false facts, but they are facts nonetheless.

FRIDAY: What on earth is a false fact?

TRUMP: It is something I want to be true, that I believe to be true, even when I have no evidence of it being true.

FRIDAY: What about the newspaper announcements from 1961?  

TRUMP: What about them?  Many people put those announcements in because they wanted to get the benefit of being so-called born in this country. Many people did it. It was something that was done by many people, even if they weren't born in the country.

FRIDAY: Do you have any evidence of these many people doing this?

TRUMP: There's been plenty found. You can call many people to check on it.

FRIDAY: But who are these many people?

TRUMP: Like I said… I don't give names.

FRIDAY: How are we to judge the veracity of your claims The Donald?  

TRUMP: If many people believe it, it must be true.

FRIDAY: The State of Hawai’i has said that his birth certificate is real and authentic… the Governor of the State, a Republican, says it is real and authentic.  The newspapers all published announcements back in 1961 about the birth of President Barack Obama.  Will you share with us one fact, just one fact that your team of investigators found last year when they went to Hawai’i?

TRUMP: Mr Friday, all I can tell you is this… many people do not believe he was born in the US.  We have no real evidence of that, it is just a feeling we have.  You know, a gut feeling.  And we trust our gut instincts.  It really doesn’t matter what the evidence is or if the facts say otherwise.

FRIDAY: Thank you The Donald… I sure wish my Lieutenant would accept your standard of belief for facts; we’d sure close a lot more cases around here.  Be he keeps drilling into our heads, just the facts, just the facts… 

[Much of this was taken verbatim from the recent CNN interview with Donald Trump.]

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Delicious Yes... Mexican? Not a chance...

The #13 at El Torito... Green Chile Pork Burrito

In the middle of this political season, I've found myself looking for other things to write about.  I've become so worn down from a form of demonization of which both sides are guilty, that I rarely take the time to comment unless something specific strikes my fancy.

In the meantime, here's a look at a place for you to look up next time you are in Las Vegas.

Over half of my life is spent in Mexico, so I get my fair share of good Mexican food.  Often times people assume that I will try to avoid Mexican food here in the states because I get so much of it when I travel.

Let me say this.  The majority of food that the average American eats in Mexican restaurants around the country is about as likely to be served in Mexico as orange chicken, a staple in US Chinese restaurants, is to be served in Chengdu Province.

Mexican restaurants in the US are in reality, Mexican themed, having about as much in common with traditional Mexican food as the old Casa de Fritos in Disneyland.

But that is another discussion, for my journey this weekend took me to a place located on the outskirts of old Henderson, El Torito.  No, this is not the corporate El Torito where they make the guacamole at your table.

This is the hole in wall El Torito, owned and operated by locals since the mid 70's when this neck of the woods sported the Old Vegas Fort, a trailer park and a few homes.

My first impression was that I was in some sort of time warp.  Nothing hip here.  If you are expecting a tapas and microbrew joint, Houston, you've got a problem.

The place has vinyl booths, a bunch of formica tables, and what mainstream America knows as Mexican food.  It's almost comfort food.  Tacos with ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes and shredded cheese.  Chimichangas, fajitas, nachos, and even burgers in case the kids don't want a taco.

I went for the #13 Green Chile Pork Burrito, all meat, at the urging of my server.  As I waited I tried what I was assuming was going to be the wimpy salsa.  Was I surprised.  It had just the right amount of jalapeno bite to go with my chips.  So often, restaurants avoid the chiles when making this important part of the Mexican experience.  Not here.

Soon enough my plate arrived and it was classic.  The burrito was served wet, covered with extra pork and like the beans, topped off with melted cheddar cheese.  My first bite was heavenly.  Tender shredded pork, green chile salsa, wrapped in a flour tortilla.  And it was a little spicy.

The rice was more chicken based, as opposed to the "normal" reddish tomato rice one might expect, and I liked it.  It was not all clumped together, was fresh, and like the beans, served hot on my plate.

Overall, I give the place 4 out of 5 stars.

Will I go back?  Yes I will.  Is it authentic Mexican food?  Not a chance.  Was it delicious?  Of course, and that's what you want when you go out.

So next time you are in Vegas and heading out to Boulder City or Lake Mead, make sure to stop in at El Torito on Boulder Hwy in Henderson... and get the #13! You'll be glad you did.

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Friday, May 04, 2012

Coffee, Pot Pies, and the Classic Club... checking out the food in San Diego...

Looking for some local color and food flavor for your upcoming summer get out of Los Angeles weekend?  Are you tired of the same old routine that includes all of those chain food joints when you visit a town?
Fret no more!  In a whirlwind two days in the beautiful city of San Diego, I had some great food and a chance to experience some wonderful areas in one of America’s most beautiful cities.
We all know everyone these days is drinking coffee, or at least one of those sugar laden concoctions we all call coffee.  A great local café to start your visit is Claire de Lune Coffee Lounge.  Located in the North Park area of the city, this place is surrounded by Starbuck’s outlets.  Don’t let that discourage you, and don't pass this place up.  

I had the house blend coffee, straight up, unsweetened, and it was wonderful.  Bold, fresh, and steaming hot, this coffee finished with a nice fruity after taste.  I’m guessing it would be fantastic on ice.
The place is huge, full of tables inside and out.  This gives you a great place to people watch.  If there is a drawback, it’s that there is no wi-fi, but with all of the tables, take a game along and you and your partner can make an evening of it.
In the same North Park area and within a few blocks is a San Diego tradition, The Chicken Pie Shop, on the corner of El Cajon and Utah.  This is the diner you've seen on television a thousand times.  

Since 1938 they have been serving up their classic Chicken Pie Plate.  For $7.50 you get soup, coleslaw, mashed potatoes, vegetables, bread and the star of the meal, a chicken pot pie.
Hand made and bursting with chicken, these little gems were wonderful.  Mixing both shredded and chunks of chicken, light and dark meat, I could eat one of these everyday.  And I am guessing some people do.

Once you add the slice of homemade pie that comes with this meal, I am not sure you could find a better bargain anywhere in the city.  It’s a wonderful lunch, in the perfect retro setting, complete with a counter, and if you need, they’ll even pack it all up to go so you can take it back your hotel.
Once you are rested up, or have spent your afternoon swimming in the pool or nearby Mission Bay, it’s time to head on over to the Gaslamp District for some dinner.  16 blocks of urban cool, this area is the heart of San Diego.
Catch a baseball game, hear some great music, pick up the latest fashion accessory, or laugh the night away at one of the local comedy clubs.  It’s all here along with a host of trendy restaurants, some with less than 20 feet of street frontage, but packed with energy, vibe, and great food.
We ate at Nicky Rottens Bar & Burger Joint, but don’t let the name scare you.  The food was anything but rotten.  We started with sweet potato fries and beer.  I had Yellowtail Pale Ale from Ballast Point, a local microbrewery.  On draft, this was a nice beer alongside the fries, which were served with a maple dipping syrup.

For dinner, I had the club sandwich, made with a wonderful applewood smoked bacon.  Crisp toast, all the right ingredients, and served with fries... they call it the Classic Club, and they delivered.
As good as the club was, perhaps the star of the night was the “Dirty Sanchez” Baja Burger.  Served with jalapeños, salsa, guacamole and topped with pepper jack cheese, this 100% organic burger was a handful.  Top it off with a nice cold one, and you can’t beat this burger.
But maybe you are a vegetarian, or are just in the mood to skip red meat.  Not a problem in this place.  Everyone of their burgers can be made with a vegetarian patty, chicken, or even turkey.  That shows you how importantly they take the customer at Nicky Rottens.
So next time you are in San Diego, skip the chains.  Look for the local flavor and be amazed.  You can eat at Chili’s every night when you get home and you can get your favorite caramel laced coffee the next time you pass through the Starbuck’s Drive-Thru on your way to work.
Getaways are about a change in the routine.
Next time you are in San Diego, go get a great handmade chicken pot pie, people watch, and experience a great burger.  Without a doubt, the Gaslamp District and North Park, are two area you should not miss next time you are in San Diego. 

a nice hat tip to joe ramirez of mission focused for helping with the pictures!

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