A Czar of Common Sense.
![]() If you could sell this, it would seem to be worth its weight in gold around the country these days. Now I know as you read that, depending on your political persuasion, you thought about your least favorite Democrat or Republican. But I think if we all take a deep breath and step back, we would have to admit that this lack common sense is affecting both sides of the political aisle. Let me give you a couple of examples.
And what was President Obama thinking? Or his advisors? How could he give anyone who signed a letter like that a job with his administration? Weren't there any people available to advise who were somewhat sane? I mean seriously Barack, make sure your people use "The Google" as President Bush called it. It might help your vetting process. So here is what I am thinking. We need a new Czar. That's right. A Czar of Common Sense. Someone to work with our presidents to keep them informed of what the regular guy thinks. Because they seem to be somewhat insulated from that point of view. ![]() This person will be the one to say to the President of the United States, nope, sorry, that's a dumb idea. it's not gonna fly, are you crazy, and get real! Czar of Common Sense. Any takers? |
Comments on "A Czar of Common Sense."
I love this post Dave! Unfortunately, common sense is not very common in government and lately in this country.
So many times our representatives do something and I think to myself, "what on earth could you possibly be thinking?"
I admit that I'm not the most intelligent person in the world, but at least I feel gifted with common sense. I always joke with my sister...she is extremely intelligent but the common sense is a little lacking.
I like the Czar of common sense, we could use that now a days!! Think of all the stupid moments that could be avoided and the peace that could erupt from not going at each others throats all the time!
Yes, common sense is not all that evident in politics today...
But why is that?
FDR had a whole lot of common sense and he was raised within a very wealthy family (shouldn't have had a clue what the common joe american on the street was like) Harry Truman, LBJ, Eisenhower, Kennedy (Nixon had issues) Ford, Carter...
they all had some sense and quite a bit of it was common in nature.
I am starting to believe its us, the common folks, who have changed and our leaders haven't figured out how to work with that change...
If there is anyway to work with it.
I just can't help but wonder if maybe we are all TOO involved in politics and if politics CONSUMES TOO much of our lives...
But then again, corporations and special interests are pretty much in over their heads too...
Something has changed and I just cannot help but wonder if we have crossed the point of no return....
Tao, you may have hit upon something that has gnawed at me for awhile.
What if today really is no different politically than a day 100 years ago.
Except that because of radio, television and the net, we can have all of that news instantly.
And so we react instantly.
Would there have been an uproar out here on the west coast regarding Joe Wilson if it took a week for us to get the news?
Probably not.
Perhaps that point of no return is the proverbial genie, having been let out of her vase!
That is my point...
I also wonder if we possibly don't spend enough time in our own lives, with our own families, and our own communities...
Maybe if we spent a little more time minding our own business then while I doubt the country's business will improve (except maybe politicians would be more apt to do the right thing and make hard decisions if they did not have to play to the minute by minute changes in public opinion).
I know there would be less depressed and unhappy people!
You got it TAO. My frequent trips to Mexico to serve keep me grounded, and also out of touch on all of this stuff for weeks at a time.
In addition to helping improve the lives of some folks, it also serves as good therapy for me.
Its also why you are sane...
Which makes you a relative minority in the blogging world! :)
Common sense: an endangered commodity.
Maybe term limits would help keep the people in Washington to be more grounded, so they aren't that far removed from Main Street.
Oh God, not term limits. It has been a disaster for Michigan state government. Every year the tools in the legislature can't agree on a budget or anything else except to put "proud to be an American" on the license plates.
You think that there is gridlock and no ability to compromise then just wait until they have term limits.
I care not whether they "get things done" because most the crap they are doing has no Constitutional basis for them doing it anyhow!