Little League, High School Football, and $50 Million Bucks
As we head into another fall season of football, a couple of items caught my attention. I was at my pastors house the other night and he was watching the Little League World Series on ESPN. Today I picked up a newspaper and sat down at Cici's Pizza for lunch and there it was again. 11 and 12 year old kids playing baseball on national television. While watching, I opened the paper to the sports page and there at the bottom, just below the fold, was an article on a Texas high school spending over $50 million bucks on a new football stadium. Maybe I am missing something, but this does not seem healthy to me. In an era of less spending on education, maybe spending that $50 million on educating that schools athletes might have been a better investment. Perhaps things like kids playing baseball on national television and high schoolers playing football in $50 million dollar stadiums contributes to a mentality of privilege that tells athletes they can have it all, are above the law, and that the rules don't apply to them. I don't know. What do you think? |