Cute little things aren't they? Who doesn't like penguins? But the worlds penguin population is in mortal danger and it isn't from global warming.
While many people argue about the validity of climate change, penguins are concerned with something more daunting than the melting of their homeland... Capitalism!
Let me explain.
We have been watching a steady march towards a capitalistic world since the mid 19th century. One of the things that makes capitalism tick is a cheap work force.
Europe and the United States sorta got the ball rolling using slave labor, the ultimate in cheap labor. But then Lincoln freed the slaves and the corporate types had to look elsewhere.
Enter our friends south of the border. People who would do an honest days work for an honest hours pay up here in the good old US of A.
But then the unions entered the picture and demanded that people actually get paid a living wage in exchange for working every day.
To combat this we had this idea that if we located our factories down there, we could make even more money. Soon factories all over Latin America were roaring to life making goods for our consumer driven society paying their workers as little as $2.00 a day.
But that was not a low enough wage to ensure the big profits that we needed in our 401K's and stock portfolios so the Wal-Marts of the world went looking elsewhere. Besides, after a while those workers demanded to see their wages go up, sometimes to as much as $10.00 a day.
So we turned our eyes upon that vast untapped employee resource, China. It was perfect. Far enough away and mostly closed to the press and those pesky human rights people that wages looked to remain low for years to come.
The perfect capitalistic marriage, insatiable desire on the part of the west and unlimited low wage resources in the east.
But wait, China is changing the equation. They are investing heavily in Africa. Is this because they have figured out that eventually their own lowly workers, like those here and in Latin America, will soon see that the promise of an honest days work for and honest hours pay won't work there either?
Could it be that China has looked at the world and surmised that the only workers left to be exploited live on the African continent? I mean even a few bucks a day is great when you have nothing.
Perhaps soon, instead of everything here in the US saying "Made in China" it will say "Made in Nigeria, Ghana, Burundi," or some other country over there.
All this has got me to thinking.
There's only one continent left where capitalism can look to for cheap labor. Antarctica.
So you penguins better start organizing now, because we'll be coming for you soon.
Nothing comes between a good capitalist and cheap labor.
Labels: africa, capitalism, china, climate change, global warming, latin america, penguins, slave labor, wal-mart |