Whatever You Have Done...
![]() I was talking to a friend last week who lives and serves in Perú. After a few minutes of sharing like stories about being Americans in other countries, we got into some of the nitty-gritty of life. She told me about the street where she lives in one of the poorer areas outside of Lima. About how there are incredible numbers of homeless people, street children. She shared how for many, there is no work, food, or hopes for as better life. I listened as she shared about one man who makes his living daily by walking her street and rummaging through garbage cans. Looking for empty plastic and glass bottles. Looking for discarded soda cans, and anything else he can sell to the scrap yard for a few Perúvian coins, or soles. He also looks for any discarded extra food that he can take to his family. I then asked her the $64,000 question. I asked her if she made sure to “throw away” some extra food for the guy on a regular basis. My question stunned her and she looked around, as if to make sure no one would hear. When she was sure we were alone, she said that yes, she did, and then asked if I thought it was weird. She went on to tell me that sometimes she would even go so far as to make extra and wrap up those “leftovers” just enough to keep them clean. But not so much as to be obvious. The bible teaches that “whatever you have done to the least of these, you have done unto me [Jesus].” While many of us spend our time trying mightily to define what it means to live a life pleasing to God, I think my friend has a good idea. |
Comments on "Whatever You Have Done..."
I think your friend has reached a spiritual place that no amount of words could have taught her.
While everyone is bickering over healthcare and communists and taxes,it's nice to know someone remembered to feed the hungry and tend the sick.
Amen Rocky.
That's a wonderful story Dave. Here in Detroit, the Detroit Rscue mission feeds people on Thanksgiving for $1.95 each. I will be getting a small bonus this quarter from work (maybe $600 after taxes), and am planning on buying 200 dinners. It probably sounds silly to a Republican, but I'm ashamed to be doing well while so many are losing thier homes and jobs. My "pet" charity is SmileTrain, and I'm also going to send them $250. I always send the full amount to fix a child's face.
I travel a lot so that makes volunteering problematic. I did, however, help some perfusiionists in Grand Rapids get a used heartlung machine (I fix them for a living) in shape to send over to Bangledesh on a medical mission. I'm kind of praying about buying a cow for hiefer international as well. I'm not saying this to brag, but maybe if people start talking about it others might do it, too.
If I see anyone picking thru garbage I'm going to "throw away" a little extra :)
I don't think you're bragging Tim - sounds like you try to be a decent human being.It's good to hear about others trying to make a difference. My husband and I also give money on a fairly regular basis to our local crisis ministries which tries to offer food and assistance with bills,prescriptions, etc. They are so underfunded that we commit the bulk of our donations to them.
I try to volunteer when I can find time. I've been a guardian ad litem and mentored at the local junior high. I try to volunteer for special events when I have time but it is a constant struggle to find the right balance.